Explaining the Employee Retention Credit (ERC): Your Comprehensive Guide

Explaining the Employee Retention Credit (ERC): Your Comprehensive Guide

In today's economic landscape, understanding the intricacies of financial assistance programs can make all the difference for businesses aiming to thrive. At Swift SBF, we recognize the significance of the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) and its potential impact on your business's financial health. This comprehensive guide will empower you with the knowledge needed to navigate the ERC successfully, ensuring you maximize your benefits.

What is the ERC?

The Employee Retention Credit, often abbreviated as ERC, has emerged as a critical financial lifeline for businesses, particularly during challenging times such as the COVID-19 pandemic. But what exactly is the ERC? At its core, the ERC is a refundable payroll tax credit designed to offset employment taxes. It was introduced as a response to the economic challenges brought on by the pandemic, specifically through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act in 2020.

The ERC essentially serves as a source of funding for businesses to mitigate revenue losses experienced during the pandemic. For many companies, the ERC has played a pivotal role in sustaining operations and retaining vital employees.

The Evolution of the ERC

Since its inception, the ERC has undergone significant amendments, reflecting the evolving economic landscape and the government's commitment to supporting businesses. Notable modifications to the ERC were introduced through the Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Relief Act of 2020 (Relief Act), the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021, and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) in the same year.

One of the key takeaways from these updates is that the ERC program officially concluded at the end of November 2021. However, eligible businesses still have the opportunity to file for ERC benefits. Some businesses want access to their ERC Grant funds quicker and they rely on a service like a ERC Advance loan instead of waiting on the IRS.

Key Highlights of the ERC

To provide a clearer understanding of the ERC, let's delve into some key highlights:

1. Fully Refundable Tax Credit:

The ERC is a fully refundable tax credit established by the government in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is designed to provide financial support to eligible businesses affected by the economic impact of the virus.

2. Eligibility Criteria:

Eligible businesses include those that experienced either a full or partial suspension of operations due to government-imposed COVID-19 orders or a significant decline in gross receipts. This broad eligibility criteria aim to encompass a wide range of businesses affected by the pandemic.

3. Credit Amounts:

The ERC program offers the potential for substantial credits. For instance, in 2021, businesses could potentially receive up to $28,000 per employee. This credit is a recognition of the challenges businesses faced during the pandemic.

4. Payroll Tax Credit:

It's important to note that the ERC is a payroll tax credit, not an income tax credit. As such, it must be reported on Form 941, the Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return. Businesses that received Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans may still qualify for the ERC.

How Was the ERC Established?

The roots of the ERC can be traced back to the economic turmoil unleashed by the pandemic. As businesses grappled with uncertainty and financial difficulties, the U.S. government recognized the need for a program that would encourage employers to retain their workforce, even in circumstances where employees couldn't work due to COVID-19-related reasons.

To address this, Congress approved a relief bill of $1.9 trillion, encompassing various measures to support businesses. The IRS initially estimated that 70 percent of businesses would claim the Employee Retention Credit.

Benefits of the ERC

The ERC has proven to be a lifeline for many businesses, offering several tangible benefits:

1. Employee Retention:

The ERC empowers businesses to retain their employees, providing an essential tool for sustaining operations. It bolsters cash flow through tax credits, which can be used to rehire staff or hire new employees.

2. Compatibility with PPP Loans:

Initially, businesses that received PPP loans were ineligible for the ERC. However, through the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, eligible businesses can retroactively apply for the ERC. This flexibility expands the potential benefits for businesses.

Qualifying for the ERC

Determining eligibility for the ERC is critical. Your business may qualify if it faced either a full or partial suspension of operations due to governmental COVID-19 orders, leading to limitations on commerce, travel, or group meetings. Additionally, a significant decline in gross receipts during 2020 or the first three quarters of 2021 can make your business eligible. Even new startups that began operations after February 15, 2020, may qualify, irrespective of their revenue.

Eligibility can be established through two main criteria:

  1. Meeting the required decline in revenue within any quarter of 2020 or 2021.
  2. Having W-2 employees.

Calculating ERC Benefits

The amount your business can receive through the ERC program depends on factors like qualified wages paid and the number of employees in 2019, 2020, and 2021. The forgiveness of PPP loans may also influence your credit. Here's a breakdown of the ERC program by year:

2020 ERC:

A credit of 50 percent of the wages paid — up to $10,000 per employee from March 12 – December 31, 2020 (capped at $5,000 per employee).

2021 ERC:

A quarterly tax credit of 70 percent of the first $10,000 in wages per employee in each quarter of 2021 from January to September 2021 (credit capped at $7,000 per employee per quarter or 70 percent of $10,000).

How to Claim the ERC

Claiming the Employee Retention Credit involves filing IRS Form 941-X to amend your filed returns (Form 941) for the quarters in which your business qualified as an eligible employer. It's essential to ensure that your Form 941 for 2020 and 2021 was filed, received, and processed by the IRS before filing Form 941-X.

To initiate the process, you'll need the following data:

  • Payroll journal data
  • Personal information (including Employer Identification Number)
  • Prior years' tax returns
  • Copies of Form 941 filed for each relevant quarter

Deadline for Claiming Employee Retention Credit

While the ERC program has technically concluded, eligible employers still have time to claim the credit. Filing Form 941-X to amend previously filed forms is the route to follow. You must file Form 941-X within three years of the date Form 941 was filed to correct underreported taxes. If you have already applied for the ERC credit then you can speed up the process by utilizing an ERC Bridge Loan which will get you the money you need for your business quicker.

ERC and PPP Loans

Businesses that received Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funding remain eligible to file for the Employee Retention Credit. ERC funds can potentially surpass funds received from PPP loan forgiveness, making it a valuable resource. Importantly, both essential and non-essential businesses qualify for this payroll tax credit.

Qualifying Criteria: ERC in Various Industries

Many industries faced unique challenges during the pandemic. If your business belongs to one of the following sectors, it could be eligible for ERC credits:

  • Education (colleges and universities)
  • Non-profit or tax-exempt organizations
  • Government
  • Hospitality and Retail
  • Industrial
  • Real Estate and Construction
  • Technology

The Employee Retention Tax Credit serves as the government's way to support businesses across the board, recognizing the hurdles they faced and incentivizing employee retention.


If your business meets the eligibility criteria outlined in the ERC program, seizing this opportunity for a tax credit is a strategic move. While navigating the complexities of ERC claims may seem daunting, Swift SBF is here to assist. We specialize in maximizing your ERC benefits, minimizing risks, and simplifying the filing process.

As your ERC partner, we bring our expertise to the table, ensuring that your business receives the maximum credit available. Our commitment to assisting businesses, whether large or small, sets us apart. With Swift SBF, you can confidently explore the full potential of the Employee Retention Credit and its impact on your business's financial well-being.

Explaining the Employee Retention Credit (ERC): Your Comprehensive Guide In today's economic landscape, understanding the intricacies of financial assistance programs can make all the difference for businesses aiming to thrive. At Swift SBF, we recognize the significance of the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) and its potential impact on your business's financial health. This comprehensive guide…